Denmark Pilot site

This Demo promotes harmonization of smart charging across a number of hubs representing public, semi-public, private charging stations in Copenhagen and on Bornholm island.

Picture of Copenhagen, Denmark

The harmonization builds on a common definition of smart charging capabilities. Ultimately this promotes smart charging definitions and interoperability across not only OEMs, operators and aggregators – but also across Europe. The pilot covers primarily private and light commercial vehicles and includes both private, semi-public and public charging. The sites represent different degrees of flexibility and include load sharing where clusters of chargers are co-located. The demonstrations are implemented for different grid topologies (urban and rural).

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Meet our testbed: Copenhagen

Welcome to Copenhagen! In the capital city of Denmark, FLOW will test smart charging across a number of hubs in public and private charging stations. These sites allow for the analysis different consumption patterns, the quantification of the flexibility that can be extracted from each of them, and the testing of price or emissions-based charging or flexibility contracts.
Picture of Copenhagen, Denmark