Italy Pilot site

The Roma Demo implements a “complete turn-key” technological solution enabling the massive smart charge/V2G services implementation, maximizing the benefits for all the stakeholders (Transmission System Operator, Distribution System Operator, Charging Point Operators/Mobility System Provider, Aggregators, EV drivers) keeping at center the customer “flexibility experience and satisfaction”.

Picture of the Colloseum of Rome

The demo investigates how all the electrical system and involved stakeholders can take advantage of the massive spread of EV charging. Analysis and tests are developed in various scenarios to evaluate how smart-charging and V2X can be exploited to provide benefits to the whole system, guaranteeing safety, optimal management of transmission and distribution grids, increasing customer self-consumption, improving RES integrations, extending actors business and guaranteeing transparency in energy transfers. The Demo is structured on 2 main pillars: i) Mass private residential customers charging their EVs connected to the home electrical supply and ii) Public charging stations charging EVs by specific service contracts.

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Meet our testbed: Rome

Get inside Rome’s testbed where FLOW investigates how stakeholders can take advantage of the massive spread of EV charging. This Demo explores benefits enabling the smart charge/V2G services implementation, validating potential flexibility of EV aggregations to maximise the benefits for all the stakeholders. FLOW does so by studying EV users' behaviour and owners’ interest, keeping customer experience and satisfaction at the centre.
Picture of the Colloseum of Rome