Ireland Pilot site

In Ireland vehicles are the most used mode of transport and Ireland lags behind its EU neighbours with more than 4,300 registered EVs accounted for by the end of 2020, although in the last 3 years the EV registrations showed an exponential increase.

In the last few years, shared parking premises areas are facing congestion and require expansion or a more advanced management strategy. This is the case of 2 shared parkings at NUIM and UCD. Both universities are increasing the number of EVs in their parkings. The shared parkings during peak time are full, congesting the inflow traffic. Thus, EV users cannot find available EVSE. The Ireland Demo optimises the EV charging management system, monitors the energy consumption and impacts on power quality on the charging area in 2 shared parking premises. It also validates an innovative parking management system to avoid EVSE congestion and identify barriers and drivers for the technology acceptance.

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Meet our testbed: Dublin

The Ireland testbed optimises the EV charging management system, monitors the energy consumption and impacts on power quality on the charging area in 2 shared parking premises at NUIM (Maynooth University) and UCD (University College Dublin). It also develops and validates an innovative parking management APP to avoid congestion and ensures a smooth EV charging experience.