Czech Republic Pilot site

The Prague Demo validates how the V2X technologies create local benefits and optimization, using an Energy Management System (EMS), which enables the communication and power flow interface between the building energy system and the public distribution grid.

The testbed integrates V2X technologies and protocols, at the building level, with local management of the power flows and of the energy consumption and generation. The system includes renewable energy generation and storage, as well as advanced power distribution technologies, such as LV DC microgrid. The solution minimizes the impact of the EV charging to the grid, both at the building level, as well as at the distribution level. Among several benefits, particular attention is paid on improving energy efficiency and on reducing the operational costs, as well as creating a positive user experience and increased comfort.

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Meet our testbed: Prague

In the Prague Demo the FLOW team validates how the V2X technologies create local benefits and optimization, using an Energy Management System (EMS), which enables the communication and power flow interface between the building energy system and the public distribution grid. Its main focus is to improve energy efficiency and reduce the operational costs, as well as creating a positive user experience and increased comfort.

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